The new era begins for the cricket world. Cricket Australia announced that they will allow transgender and gender diverse people to play at the highest level in cricket from now on. Cricket Australia(CA) has developed an elite-panel policy as well as bring some changes in their rules. All of this works done to support the players who are the victim of gender diversification.

Australian Cricket Board launches insertion policy for transgender players

CA CEO Kevin Roberts insisted that the physical strength, stamina, body language, etc. things are the top priority to play cricket. If these important factors will meet by them, then they don’t have any problem to participate in top-flight cricket. CA will do everything to include them at the highest level. CA developed such kinds of guidelines for them.

Transgender or gender-diverse players are waiting to compete in the female-elite category. The first thing is they have to prove themselves. They must show they are capable of going big. They have to exhibit a concentration of testosterone in serum less than 10 nanomoles per liter continuously for 12 months or more.

There’s no place for diversion in sports. Sports is above to any kinds of discrimination. We are going to prove that the world of a fair and widespread sporting culture. It will ensure the balance of fair participation.

CA CEO Roberts said.

Cricket Australian branded it as a “major step” in world cricket. They are hopeful this decision will change the view of the cricket world towards transgender people. The CA also assured that their policy is closely aligned with the International Cricket Council’s Basis of Gender Recognition strategy.

Former Australian cricketer Alex Blackwell is the frontman to assure this system.

It will bring a change a point of view and ends the discrimination towards people. We will walk by walk. It’s really a very good purpose and we are totally determined to make these guidelines ensure in our sport.

Australian cricketer Megan Schutt also welcomed the policy. The 26-year old female cricketer said that this decision really makes sense.

Cricket Australia is hoping that such decisions will help to change the view towards gender diversify people. The view will change in Australia as well as other countries. It’s time for a change. All these discriminations must abolish to grow this beautiful sports in more wide angle. CA really deserves hats off for their brave decision.