While the semi-final looms overhead, the Australia team is doing something very unusual. Yesterday at a training session, the team had seen doing something really different. All the Australian players went barefoot on the Edgbaston pitch before the semi-final match against host England. And we wonder what was the purpose behind it?

Australian players go barefoot on the Edgbaston pitch before the semi-final.

Australia team walking barefoot on Edgbaston cricket ground.
Australia team walking barefoot on Edgbaston cricket ground.

Captain Aaron Finch’s team went down for training session leaving their socks and boots behind. At first, they took a walk down the playing surface. After that, they sat on the ground for about an hour. There they expressed all of their feelings and emotions.

It has been perceived that the move came from their coach Justin Langer. To give you a clear overview of him, Justin describes himself as a “hippy” as he spends one month every year without cutting his beard and walking the whole time barefoot.

Aussie batsman Peter Handscomb said they did it to literally feel the ground. He said,

You do that lap and you can see all the different views from the ground and where you might be fielding and it gives you an opportunity to take it all in before it all starts on Thursday.

He also added that they had an honest open conversation. It was really great as some players of the squad really poured their hearts thought and emotion regarding the upcoming semi-final. They also shared some good stories like first memories of cricket growing up in them. It was really incredible for them to understand everyone’s feelings about playing in the finals.

Australia has remained unbeaten to England since 1992. Let’s see if they can carry on the legacy of winnings of theirs or not.