Cricket fans always have a fantasy about how to predict cricket matches. As a result, prediction for cricket matches is a very popular and important thing in cricket betting. Cricket match prediction becomes a hot trend since the starting of T20 cricket. But, it’s not too hard at all. All you need to do some proper analysis to make a today cricket match prediction. Today, we are going to help you with that. In this betting blog, we’ll introduce you to the Cricket Prediction Calculator for 2020. We hope you’ll get in-depth knowledge of the prediction cricket match today.

Cricket Prediction Calculator is Introduced
by in 2020:

Factors Marks out of
Team Ranking
Home Advantage
Recent form
Head to Head
Field Report
Player Analytics
Point table
Pitch Support
Total points 80

*Fill-up the fields above to make the button visible.

How to use this Prediction Calculator?

Well, it should be a common question that how to use this prediction calculator? Actually, this is not a complicated thing at all. It is actually fun and interesting. At first, put your name on the above of the calculator. Now, look at the calculator. There are 8 points there. Each of those points mainly the factors for the match prediction. The factors are – Team Ranking, Home Advantage, Recent Form, Head to Head, Player Analytics, Field Report, Pitch Report, and Point Table.

Now, have a closer look. The first four factors contain 15 points each while the last four factors contain 5 points each. The total marks are 80. Now, select two teams on the field of “Select Team“. The mark you put in the first field will be automatically adjusted in the second one. For example – suppose a Test match between England and West Indies is going to happen. Now, you want to predict the match through our prediction calculator. Suppose, you put 10 marks on the first field for England Cricket Team in the Team Ranking factor. Then, you will see the second field will automatically show you 5 marks. On the other hand, if you put 9 marks, then you will see the second field will show automatically 6 marks.

As the total point is 80, you will have to fill every field of 8 factors to see concrete results. After filling in every field, now click on the “click to see who is close to winning” button below. You will see a total value will be shown. The value will contain the overall winning percentage of two teams. Moreover, the percentage will be shown according to your numeral data in the eight fields. After that, if you click the “Reset Value” on the left corner in the below side, the whole stat will be back in the previous condition.

Here, we want to discuss the right factors of this prediction calculator to predict cricket match.

1. Team Ranking

What is Team Ranking?

Team Ranking is a factor in international cricket that organized by the world’s cricket governing body ICC. ICC provides a ranking for Test, ODI, and T20I.

The ICC team ranking is the most important factor in today cricket match prediction. The team ranking is given by ICC shows which teams are performing well and consistently in the international arena. This is why it holds the first position in our prediction calculator.


Suppose a Test match between Australia and England is set to happen. Now, you want to use the prediction calculator to predict the Test match. At first, write the names of the teams in the “Select Team” fields. As Australia is ahead than England in team ranking in Test cricket, you give more marks to Australia. Presume, you give 9 marks to Australia according to the team ranking out of 15 in the calculator. When you tap 9 marks in the first field, you will see the second field will automatically transform into 6 marks in the prediction calculator! You don’t need to change that!

Prediction Calculator
Team Ranking

2. Home Advantage

What is Home Advantage?

Home Advantage is a cricket term where the home team plays at home and benefit from the home ground.

When the home team plays at their home ground, it’s easy to guess they get enormous benefits. The known surroundings, supports from the fans, pitch condition, etc. everything works for them.


Suppose the Test match between Australia and England is happening in England’s soil. So, it’s easy to guess English cricketers will get more home advantage in the match. The known surroundings, stadium, fan supports, etc. will work on their favor. As a result, you want to put England ahead in the match. You’ve decided to give England 7 and Australia 3 marks. When you put 3 marks on Australia’s field, you will see England’s field will automatically transform into 7 marks in the prediction calculator.

Prediction Calculator
Home Advantage

3. Recent Form

What is Recent form?

Recent form is the overall performance of a team in the last few matches or series.

The running form of a team plays a major role in predict cricket match. The team who plays well than the other team in the last few days certainly possesses higher confidence. Ultimately, it reflects on their performances. This is why it is important in the prediction and get a place in our prediction calculator.


When you’re counting between the recent form of England and Australia, you see that Australia is way ahead than England in the recent Test match performances. As a result, you give Australia more marking in this field. You’ve decided to give Australia 7 marks. That’s why you input 7 marks in the field of Australia’s. When you input 7 marks in Australia’s field, the field of England will show 3 marks in an automatic way in the prediction calculator.

Prediction Calculator
Recent Form

4. Head to Head

What is Head to Head?

Head to Head means the overall face to face matches between the two teams.

Before the match prediction, its good to know the head to head match between the teams. The team who possesses a better head to head stat has more chance to clinch the game or a series. This is why it gets a place in our prediction calculator.


As you’re predicting the Test match between Australia and England, you want to give more marks to Australia in head to head as they’re much ahead than England in this factor. This is the reason you give Australia 6 marks out of 10. When you give 6 marks to the Kangaroos, you will see the field of England is showing 4 marks automatically in the prediction calculator.

Prediction Calculator
Head to Head

5. Player Analytics

What is Player Analytics?

Cricket Player Analytics means you need to see the player records like the Strike Rate (SR) and Batting Average (AVG) of Batsmen and the Economy Rate (Econ) and Bowling Average (AVG) of Bowlers.

Your player analytics can be a simple mathematical observation in order to the prediction for a cricket match. At first, choose the top players of both teams and make a comparison. See, who has a better squad overall. It gives a vibe that who has a better squad and has more chance to win the game. This is why it is one of the factors we’ve included in our prediction calculator.


After comparing the top players of England and Australia, you see that Australia has overall a better squad than England. That’s why you give more marks to Australia. You’ve given 6.5 marks to Australia out of 10 marks. After giving Australia 6.5 marks, you’ll see the field of England automatically show 3.5 marks out of 10 in the prediction calculator.

Prediction Calculator
Player Analytics

6. Field Report

What is Field Report?

The field report mainly means the overall condition of the field. It actually indicates whether the field is batting or bowling friendly.

A field can be the decider of a match in various circumstances and that’s why it carries huge importance in deciding a game. That’s why it also gets a place in our prediction calculator factors.


As the Test match is happening between Australia vs England in England’s soil, England will get benefitted from the field. As a result, you’re putting England ahead of Australia in this field. You decide to give Australia 3 marks out of 10. After giving that, the field of England will show 7 marks automatically in the prediction calculator.

Prediction Calculator
Field Report

7. Point Table

What is Point Table?

Point Table mainly means at the beginning of a series in which teams are occupying the top positions.

After a few matches of a tournament, you can guess which team has more chances to win the tournament. The teams that occupy the top positions usually have more chances to clinch the trophy.


Suppose, a T20 series is about to happen between the three teams – Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, and Ireland. If we look out at the first two teams Bangladesh and Zimbabwe, Bangladesh is the winner of the first two matches while Zimbabwe lost in their games. The third match is about to happen between Bangladesh and Zimbabwe. As Bangladesh became victorious in the first two matches while Zimbabwe lost in theirs, you simply put ahead Bangladesh and give 8 marks in their field. Then, you’ll see the field of Zimbabwe become 2 in the prediction calculator.

Prediction Calculator
Point Table

8. Pitch Support

What is Pitch Support?

Pitch Support means at which direction a pitch will act during a game.

During the play, the pitch could behave in various ways. It ultimately decides who has the chance to clinch the game at the end and that’s why pitch report got a place in our prediction calculator.


England’s pitch is bouncy but it takes the form of slow wicket within the evolving of the game. England is familiar with the condition of such kinds of pitch and that’s why you put ahead England in this factor than Australia. You give England 3 marks out of 2. After giving England 3 marks, you’ll see the field of Australia fill with 2 points automatically in the prediction calculator.

Prediction Calculator
Pitch Support

In addition, these are the important elements in a predict cricket match and they deservedly have a place in our prediction calculator. We are hoping you will enjoy the calculator and other terms on our page. Feel free to share your opinion about our prediction calculator.