How does it feel to lose CWC19 the cruelest way possible? We don’t know the answer, but Kane Williamson surely does. Though we hardly find any emotion in his face, he is definitely feeling the pain of losing. His team came so close of winning, but could not cross the line and lose to the highly controversial rules of ICC.

How does it feel to lose CWC19 the cruelest way possible?

Kane Williamson
New Zealand captain Kane Williamson.

Somebody asked Williamson, did he sleep last night? He answered in a dry, polite and emotionless voice that he did. Maybe he did sleep but before that, he definitely spent hours trying to understand what actually happened on Sunday. What happened on that day is going to haunt them in their dream for a long time. But they will heal eventually, every wound gets heald sooner or later.

While answering about his feelings, Williamson said

I reckon I sort of explained that to a few people. It hits in you in waves. For ten minutes you forget about it, and you make little jokes. And then it comes back to you and you go: ‘Did that just happen? Did it just happen? Is that real or is that just I woke up wondering whether it was a bad dream? It wasn’t. Was it?

He said he did not cry. Maybe he managed to hold on to his emotions but some of his fellow teammates couldn’t. Jimmy Neesham went down on his knees and shed a few teardrops. Later with a broken heart, he posted  the following message in his twitter:

Can you feel his sorrow now? Maybe a bit. Later on, he added,

That hurts. Hopefully, there’s a day or two over the next decade where I don’t think about that last half hour.

But whatever worse could have happened to New Zealand, has happened and there is no way around it but to face reality. They definitely played awesome cricket and is an equal contender of the world cup in this time for sure. They should be proud of themselves because they have given the world the most exciting match possible.