MS Dhoni is changing his bat gradually in ICC World Cup 2019. But why? Is there any special reason behind this scenario? Or, he needs more money to grab from the sponsors to keep his pocket fill? One day its “SG“, another day “BAS“. What’s the wrong with him actually? Let’s discuss the fact.

MS Dhoni is changing his bat gradually during this World Cup

ICC World Cup 2019 is the last ever World Cup for Indian ”Captain Cool”. But, there are questions surrounding him in this tournament. Many people are saying that he’s not having good times in the tournament and he’s not happy at all. Captain Cool is, as usual, keep his mouth shut.

MS Dhoni and his manager Arun Pandya

India‘s match against England raised too many doubts. Lots of people blamed Dhoni for his slow batting. Some people even accused him of match-fixing. Things are not clear to anyone what actually happened behind the scene. After that, he wasn’t at his best against Bangladesh.

Those are not only the reasons Dhoni is in controversy. There is another big reason behind it. The reason is his ”bat”. Dhoni has been played with multiple brands bat in this campaign. What’s the reason? Does he need uncountable money?

The answer is no. MS Dhoni’s manager Arun Pandya told the reason behind it.

Yes, it’s true he is using multiple brands for bat. But, he doesn’t take a single penny from any company. The only reason he is showing his gratitude towards them because they were with him during his troubling times. All of those companies helped him in his career. He’s showing his goodwill gesture towards them.

The former Indian captain signed a contract with Spartan a few years ago. It is such an astonishing matter when many Indian cricketers are taking huge amounts of money form their sponsors, Dhoni is showing his gratefulness with such grace. It’s a great example to follow.