After India‘s failure in the ICC World Cup 2019, lots of controversies has been emerging like a bonfire. The lastest thing is, there’s a concrete proof one senior cricketer kept his wife with him by breaking rules. This kind of gesture didn’t go well and drawn vast criticisms among the board although they refused to reveal the name of the cricketer.

One Indian cricketer keeps his wife with him by breaking rules

Nobody can’t keep his wife more than 15 days with him. BCCI announced this rule before the World Cup. But, one senior cricketer didn’t respect this rule and kept his wife more than 15 days. Things didn’t go well with the people of BCCI and they’re seriously considering to take action for this mockery of their rule.

There was a meeting of BCCI and everyone gave their opinion. Everybody agreed that the cricketer kept his wife for long and didn’t let know this news to anyone. The members of BCCI didn’t take this lightly and they’re very angry about this foolish incident of a senior cricketer.

There was a meeting on May 21 and BCCI told the press conference that

We need to keep things out from the internal or external affairs of cricket

One BCCI member told that one cricketer asked to keep his wife more than 15 days. But, BCCI rejected his wish and he kept his wife along with him more than 15 days anyways. He didn’t even tell it to his captain or his coach.

Sunil Subramaniam draws criticism to fail manage team properly
Sunil Subramaniam draws criticism to fail to manage the team properly

BCCI administration manager Sunil Subramaniyam look upon this internal affairs. Several BCCI members are angry upon him and questions his ability to manage a big team like India.

Let’s see where this drama moves in next!