01 Dec 2020, Canterbury is going to play against Wellington at Mainpower Oval, Rangiora. Here is Canterbury vs Wellington, Ford Trophy 2020-21, 6th ODI Match Prediction. The 6th match of the Ford Trophy 2020-21 will start at 10:00 PM GMT (Nov 30) / 11:00 AM LOCAL.


Canterbury Cricket


Wellington Firrbirds

<strong>CAN vs WEL, Ford Trophy 2020-21 Match Prediction </strong>

Canterbury vs Wellington, Ford Trophy 2020-21, 6th ODI Match Prediction

Canterbury 42%
Wellington 38%
The percentages are showing in between 80%. The rest of the 20% is for exceptional cases. The explanations are down below.

“Canterbury” Can Be The Winner.

  1. Team Ranking:

    Canterbury and Wellington will lock horn in the 6th match of Ford Trophy 2020-21. This is the second time both teams will battle in this competition. Currently, Canterbury placed in the top position while Wellington placed in the bottom position of this competition.

  2. Home Advantage:

    The match between Canterbury vs Wellington is going to play at Mainpower Oval, Rangiora. This is the home ground of Canterbury. So, they will get the home advantage.

  3. Head To Head:

    Canterbury has won 1 and Wellington has won 2 games in the last 3 head to head encounters.

  4. Field Condition:

    Mainpower Oval is a short-sized field and good to score.

  5. Player Analysis:

    Batsmen Analytics

    Leo Carter of Canterbury has an AVG 32.77 and SR 49.31. Another top batsman of Canterbury – Jack Boyle has an AVG 19.13 and SR 37.88.

    On the other hand, Fraser Colson of Wellington has an AVG 20.76 and SR 26.43. Another top batsman of Wellington – Andrew Fletcher has an AVG 14.66 and SR 39.63.

    Bowlers Analytics

    Matt Henry of Canterbury has an AVG 26.49 and Econ 5.41. Another top bowler of Canterbury – Van Woerkom’s AVG 36.43 and Econ 3.02.

    Hence, Brett Johnson of Wellington has an AVG 24.43 and Econ 3.07. Another top bowler of Wellington – Peter Younghusband’s AVG 56.14 and Econ 4.02.

    Canterbury has overall a good squad and better bowling unit. Moreover, the home ground will provide them an edge.

  6. Point Table:

    Canterbury earned 5 points from the first match and NRR +3.046. Hence, Wellington still yet to get a point and NRR -3.046.

  7. Pitch Support:

    This wicket has changed a lot over the years. It used to be a high-scoring venue, but the pitch has slowed down, especially during the second innings. Anything around 280 seems to be defendable on this track.

However, things could be change in some terms like weather condition, or injury cases, mental health of players in a team, etc. But, these are exceptional cases at all.

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Pitch Support
Total points 80

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Venue: Mainpower Oval, Rangiora.

CAN vs WEL, Ford Trophy 2020-21, ODI Dream 11

Canterbury Squad

Chad Bowes, Jack Boyle, Henry Nicholls, Tom Latham, Leo Carter (c), Todd Astle, Cam Fletcher (wk), Fraser Sheat, Will Williams, Matt Henry, Theo van Woerkom, Sean Davey, Tyler Lortan, Ken McClure, Mathew Hay, Daryl Mitchell, Cole McConchie, Ed Nuttall, Jackson Latham, Henry Shipley, Andrew Hazeldine.

Wellington Squad

Andrew Fletcher, Jakob Bhula, Troy Johnson, Michael Bracewell (c), Fraser Colson, Jamie Gibson, Lauchie Johns (wk), Peter Younghusband, Brett Johnson, Iain Mcpeake, James Hartshorn.